Spiritual Echoes - Jordan Canon Spiritual Advisor

Spiritual Echoes by Jordan Canon Spiritual Advisor. What is a Spiritual Echo and How Does It Help You Evolve Your Soul?

What is a Spiritual Echo and How Does It Help You Evolve Your Soul?

Somewhere there's speaking

It's already coming in

Oh, and it's rising at the back of your mind

You howl and listen

Listen and wait for the

Echoes of angels who won't return

-Vertical Horizon

"Echoes of angels who won't return" conveys the idea that the memories or remnants of something cherished remain, but the actual presence or return of that beloved entity is forever out of reach, like the ethereal echoes of angels. This phrase often captures the bittersweet emotions associated with longing for something or someone that is lost or unattainable.

Today, I'm not going to talk about echoes of angels. That's just an introduction to the theory. Instead, I'll share with you the much more powerful spiritual echo, a spiritual law you can learn to manage to create the future you want to experience.

Ghosts can leave echoes, although they are not spiritual. They are more like short video markers plugged into a distant time for you (or the intended) person to discover. Think of them like a prerecorded message. I'll get into crossing over another time, including my own multiple experiences, but these echoes go largely unnoticed. When there is a connection, it is weak at best because you have not developed the skill to send or receive them.

What is a Spiritual Echo?

Spiritual echoes are different. 

A spiritual echo is a spiritual law that refers to a reverberation or resonance of spiritual energy. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions can create vibrational ripples in the spiritual realm, much like sound waves bouncing back and forth. 

These echoes impact our spiritual journey and manifest in various ways, such as synchronicities, intuitive insights, or even a sense of connection with a higher power. It's a spiritual way of describing the interconnectedness of the spiritual realm and how our energy can reverberate and influence our experiences.

Unlike ghosts, who leave a marker for another soul, spiritual echoes can come from the universe, Divine entities, and different versions of yourself. They are powered best by charity, love, and sacrifice, so don't expect to receive a spiritual echo telling you to play the lottery. As is the case with all spiritual powers, temptation can send just as many as any other source.

How to Use Spiritual Echoes

We have so many spiritual and metaphysical abilities that we rarely use. Why? They don't come with an instruction manual. Can you think of a time in the past that you would like to have left a message for yourself? Like "Don't go out with that guy, or don't eat that fish, it's bad." The message you would leave is not the echo. The echo is the process of how the message gets to you. There are two forms of spiritual echo to consider: sending them and receiving them. A spiritual echo is not bound by time, so they can exist in the future or the past, although the latter is a bit trickier.

Leaving spiritual echoes for yourself is a meaningful and introspective practice. For those starting out, I'll share with you the process as if you were leaving a physical note for yourself. The spiritual process of creating an echo is not that much different than harnessing spiritual communication methods. 

  • Choose the medium: Decide how you would like to document your message. Some options could include writing a letter, creating a voice recording, or even making a video. Select a method that resonates with you and allows you to express yourself freely. Souls with advanced development of this ability can do it as memories or discoveries, which is a memory in the future.

  • Reflect on your current state: Take some time to reflect on your current spiritual journey. Consider the lessons you have learned, the challenges you have faced, and the growth you have experienced. This will help you craft a message that is meaningful and relevant to your spiritual path.

  • Identify the message's purpose: Define the purpose of your message. Are you offering guidance, encouragement, or reminders of your core values? Understanding the intention behind your message will help you frame it effectively. The most likely echo that will get through will be harnessed by charity or sacrifice.

  • Choose a date or event: Decide when and under what circumstances you would like to receive your message. It could be a specific date, a significant life event, or even a moment when you feel you might need guidance or inspiration.

  • Express your message: Open your heart and let your message flow. Write or speak authentically, addressing your future self with love and compassion. Share your insights, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. I recommend writing for beginners, which slows down the mental process of what you want to say and requires work and effort, which is always good.

  • Send or store the message: Safely store your message in a format that will withstand the test of time. Whether it's a letter sealed in an envelope, a digital file stored securely in the cloud, or a designated folder, make sure it will be accessible when you need it. You can send an email to yourself dated to send in the future. This process doesn't ensure your echo will be a physical message. Remember, you are trying to create a memory or a discovery.

  • Set an echo trigger: To ensure you receive your message at the desired time, set a reminder or establish a specific trigger. This could be a calendar notification, an alarm, or keeping your message in a place you know you'll find it. Meditation works well for spiritual triggers by trying to visualize the environment (not necessarily the people) that will exist when you receive your echo.

Remember, leaving a spiritual message for yourself is a personal and powerful practice. It can provide you with guidance, encouragement, and a sense of connection to your own wisdom and spirituality. Opening your mind to the possibility that these spiritual echoes exist and understanding the process you went through to create them will help you discover those echoes you left for yourself in the future.

In Summary

Spiritual echoes refer to the lasting impact or influence of a spiritual encounter, such as a profound moment of insight or connection with the universe or a different version of your soul. These echoes may continue to resonate within us, shaping our beliefs, values, and actions long after the initial experience.

To use a spiritual echo effectively, it can be helpful to reflect on and recognize these echoes as they arise in your life. This may involve paying attention to moments of inspiration, synchronicity, or a deep sense of meaning. By doing so, you can tap into these echoes to deepen your understanding of yourself and your spiritual path.

Engaging with a spiritual echo can involve practices such as meditation, prayer, contemplation, or journaling. These methods can help cultivate mindfulness and create space for the echoes to reveal themselves and guide your spiritual journey.

Ultimately, the understanding and application of spiritual echoes will vary depending on one's spiritual beliefs and practices. It's important to approach this concept with an open mind and explore its meaning in a way that resonates with your personal spirituality.

Let's practice. Here's a spiritual echo from me regarding the subject of the next page you should read.

Did you get it?

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